Healthy posture in the workplace

Simple corrections - big effect

In our modern working world, many of us spend a large part of the day at our desks. A healthy posture at work is therefore crucial for our physical and mental well-being.

Good posture allows us greater freedom of movement and can prevent complaints such as back pain, neck pain and muscle tension, as well as promoting our general health. An upright posture also improves our mood, reduces stress and boosts our self-confidence.

Diet and regular exercise are also a question of "attitude". A balanced diet and exercise breaks increase our energy and concentration.

And last but not least, our "inner" attitude is crucial to how we experience our working day.

The combination of a healthy inner and outer posture, good nutrition and exercise protects our health and quality of life in the long term and creates the basis for a healthier, more pleasant and more balanced working day.

What does a healthy posture look like?

In fact, we can achieve great benefits with simple corrections and targeted measures.

Ergonomics at the workplace

An ergonomically designed workstation is crucial for a healthy posture and the prevention of long-term health problems. Therefore, adapt your workstation individually to your needs and body measurements and take advantage of professional ergonomic advice.

Dynamic sitting and movement breaks

Dynamic sitting and regular movement breaks promote blood circulation and prevent muscle tension. Change your sitting position, use exercise balls or standing desks and integrate short walks into your working day.

Recognize weak points early and counteract them

Pay attention to body signals and react early to pain and tension. Regular stretching and mobilization as well as professional massages or physiotherapy treatments can help.

In our webinar on September 26, 2024, we will show you effective exercises that can be easily integrated into your daily work routine. Click here to register.

Nutrition - also a question of "attitude"?

A balanced diet has a significant impact on our energy levels and ability to concentrate. The importance of proper nutrition in the workplace is often underestimated. A healthy diet not only supports physical health, but also promotes mental clarity and productivity.

Mindful and intuitive eating

In addition to choosing the right foods, the way we eat also plays an important role. Mindful and intuitive eating can help us develop a healthier relationship with food and increase our well-being. Take time to consciously enjoy meals and listen to your body's signals. Instead of working at your desk or sitting in front of a screen while eating, consciously take a break and enjoy your meal in peace. This promotes digestion and helps to avoid overeating.

Intuitive eating means following your body's needs and not rigid dietary guidelines. This reduces stress and promotes a positive attitude towards nutrition.

Loss of "awareness of pleasure" due to constant stress

Due to constant stress, we have lost our "awareness of pleasure". We are so inundated with stimuli that we no longer have the time or attention for the various senses such as taste, smell, sight, etc. We have lost the inner permission to treat ourselves to something good. The inner permission to do something good for ourselves is lost. And over time, we generally lose access to good feelings.

Positive psychology defines pleasure as the conscious perception and savoring of positive emotions. Pleasure plays a central role in coping with stress. When we experience these moments of pleasure mindfully and consciously, they give our lives meaning and significance, because then we appreciate this experience as valuable and unique.

Mindfulness also helps us to distinguish between "real" hunger and "eye hunger" (something looks good) or emotional hunger (triggered by loneliness, frustration or boredom, for example).

You can find out more about this topic in our webinar on September 26, 2024 Registration: Here.

"Inner" attitude

A positive inner attitude in the workplace is crucial because it not only increases our own performance and satisfaction, but also has a positive influence on the entire working environment. Ultimately, it is this inner attitude that enables us to rise above ourselves.

We can all learn to adopt a healthy posture at work and thus contribute to a pleasant and balanced working day. Find out more in our webinar:

"Healthy posture in the workplace - simple corrections, big impact"

On 26.09.2024 at 9:30 a.m., the EAP Institute invites you to the webinar "Healthy posture at work".

In 60 minutes, the relevance of the topic for everyday working life is highlighted and the connection to physical and mental well-being is worked out.

Register now!

Participation is free for members of eap.wellbeing.
We are pleased to invite all other interested parties to this webinar free of charge.

meditation welli

And because a good attitude in the workplace doesn't harm anyone, we would be delighted if this information also reached your employees so that we can promote our health and quality of life together!