More joy at work, more joy in life.

Did you enjoy going to work today? And yesterday?
And the day before yesterday? But above all: Are you generally happy and content right now? If not, you're not alone.
(But this is the right place!)

We want to help you improve your well-being, your health and your satisfaction.

What would you like to start with?

eap wellbeing mental wellbeing

Mental Wellbeing

Mental well-being

eap wellbeing self development


Personal development

eap wellbeing relationships


Interpersonal relationship

According to studies, one in three people experience extremely high psychological pressure at work every day. Overload, stress and frustration at work are increasing by leaps and bounds. There are many reasons for this:


No matter what it is that is weighing you down mentally: You can actively do something about it!

The key to a more relaxed and happier life - and working life as well - is already in your hands. Or rather: in your almost inexhaustible potential of inner mental strength.


It is there. Your potential for more serenity, more decisiveness, more boundaries, more self-confidence, more joy ... And this platform is there to develop and expand this potential with you - and finally to put it into practice.

With professional help

All our trainers are experienced and psychologically trained.

With very little time required

A video sequence lasts less than 3 minutes on average.

Completely anonymous

Your employer will neither find out which topic you click on nor whether you use at all.


We want you to be able to develop better as a person, stay or become mentally healthy and therefore have a fulfilled, relaxed and happy life. If you enjoy going to work again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, that would be completely normal.

eap wellbeing mental wellbeing

Mental Wellbeing

Mental well-being

eap wellbeing self development


Personal development

eap wellbeing relationships


Interpersonal relationship
