"First aid kit" for the time with Corona

In this "different" time, it is important to take good care of yourself. What can you do to feel better and more at ease?

Here are some tips for dealing with information and for your mental and physical well-being.

  • Filter information.
    Don't believe everything you hear and limit the time you spend searching for information.

  • Talk to someone about your concerns and worries.
    Trust your family or loved ones, call the EAP hotline (consultations are free and confidential).

  • Take care of your body.
    Make sure you get enough sleep and rest, eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, breathe fresh air and enjoy the sun (opening the window may be enough) and go for a run, walk or stroll.

  • Create a crisis plan.
    A plan for a possible scenario regarding illness, financial instability and loss of your job.

  • Use this time for your personal development.
    Look for activities that you enjoy and that are really fun.

  • Slow down.
    Breathe deeply several times a day to relax and calm your body, mind and soul.

  • Work on your attitude.
    Take responsibility for your emotional well-being and recognize that any reaction is a natural response to this abnormal situation.

  • Think of others.
    Take an interest in your family and loved ones, help the elderly and those in need.

You don't have to face problems and perhaps even difficulties alone. Seek support!

The coronavirus crisis may lead to different reactions:


  • Your stress level increases.
  • You feel emotionally unwell.
  • You care about your mental and physical health.
  • You feel insecure or unstable.
  • They feel lonely.
  • You are worried about your loved ones.
  • You are in an existential crisis.
  • You are worried, have anxiety or panic attacks.
  • You feel frustrated.
  • You have conflicts and are nervous.
  • You have cabin fever.
  • You have problems concentrating and/or sleeping.

Source: Our partner Human Dynamic Europe

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