Leading through the crisis: interview with the eap-institut

Pavelka-Denk Personalberatung asked Dr. Cornelia Martens, Managing Director of the EAP-Institut/the EAP-Institut management consultancy GmbH, how employees can be helped through the crisis.


Challenges in the crisis:
And what to do with the employees now?

COVID-19 is leaving its mark. Many people are struggling with new challenges in the home office, multiple stress levels, social isolation or an uncertain future. Lockdowns, financial crises, burn-out and bore-outs are leading to more and more mental, physical and financial difficulties among the population. What can companies, managers and employees do to get through the crisis stronger?


Dr. Cornelia Martens was in conversation with Hermann Pavelka-Denk. The live webcast by Pavelka-Denk Personalberatung was recorded and is available on YouTube.

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