Positive leadership for dummies

from Christian Thiele
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Is it important to you that you and your team enjoy your work? Do you have confidence in your employees, do you know their strengths and do you make targeted use of them? Do you want your employees to understand what you are working for and recognize the value of what they do? Then you are already familiar with the basic principles of positive leadership. Christian Thiele explains how you can motivate yourself, your team or even the entire company with this modern form of leadership and thus achieve your goals together. And then celebrate your joint success, because that is also part of positive leadership!

Do you lead positively?

Positive Leadership is a research-based but easy-to-apply approach that you can use to lead yourself, your workforce and organizations to greater success, greater happiness, better cooperation and more meaningfulness. It is suitable for managers at all levels of hierarchy and experience:

Increase positivity

So-called positive emotions such as joy, serenity and interest broaden our ability to think and our scope for action. Stress, frustration and other negative emotions make our thoughts, feelings and actions narrower. How can you give yourself and others a happy surprise, for example, or point out successes? And how can you contain and channel negativity?

Strengthen strengths

Those who know and strengthen their strengths, both their own and those of others, are more committed, more productive and more successful. There have been a number of scientific studies on this for 20 years. Focusing on and mitigating weaknesses, on the other hand, takes much more energy. What are your most important strengths that get you and others into flow? How do others benefit from your strengths? And where are your strengths perhaps too much and should be down-regulated?

Deepening connections

Humans are social creatures - that's why the contact restrictions during the pandemic were so drastic for many people. Which social relationships could and should you refresh and deepen, both inside and outside of work? And how could you improve cohesion and togetherness at work, for example by holding more efficient meetings with a greater focus on what works and what doesn't?

Seeing and sowing meaning

If you know the why, it is easier to work out the what and how, especially in difficult and confusing times. Where do you see your activities contributing to the big picture, who benefits from your products and services? The more you know your what for, and the more your employees do the same, the more motivated your work will be, the lower the stress level and the lower the burnout rates.

Celebrating progress

Many managers are good at finding mistakes and criticizing shortcomings. And that's fine, because it's the only way to avoid mistakes. But do you also take a close look at successes? How did you manage project X so well, how did initiative Y stay on schedule and on budget and was so well received by customers? Who made what contribution? Only if you analyze this in detail will your success not be a one-day wonder, but can be repeated and planned. Good luck and have fun!


Christian Thiele is a trainer, speaker and coach on conflict, communication and leadership topics. As a manager, he knows the role of the superior from his own experience.