Search results for: Suicidality

wellbeing eap 1 1 module suicidality suicidality2

Suicidal tendencies

Suicidal tendencies has many faces. You often read or hear different terms and can't classify them exactly. If you are not directly Suicidal tendencies often leads to confusion. In this module, we look together at important facts and the definition of Suicidal tendencies in more detail.

wellbeing eap 1 4 module suicidality reasons for suicidality in adolescents

Reasons for Suicidal tendencies for adolescents

The reasons for Suicidal tendencies are, as with adults, individual and usually very different. However, there are often causes and specific triggers that Suicidal tendencies in young people. In this course, we look at the risk factors and warning signs.

wellbeing eap 1 3 module suicidality suicidality in adolescents

Suicidal tendencies for adolescents

Every 6th young person suffers from suicidal thoughts. The characteristics of Suicidal tendencies in adolescents from those in adults. So let's take a look together at the most important facts and characteristics of Suicidal tendencies with young people.

psychoeducation suicidality in adolescents

Suicidal tendencies for adolescents

[...] until a few years ago, the number of suicides among adolescents flattened out, but in recent years there has been an enormous turnaround in suicidality among young people. In this course, we will look together at general information about suicide and, in the further course, specific characteristics of suicide. Suicidal tendencies in adolescents, as well as a short guide on how to best support suicidal adolescents.

wellbeing eap 1 2 module suicidality from suicidal thoughts to suicide

From suicidal thoughts to suicide

Suicidal thoughts are the first signs of a Suicidal tendencies. But how does it come from suicidal thoughts to carrying out a suicide? And how can I tell what stage the suicidal person is at? In this course, you will learn how suicidal thoughts develop into suicide and how you can help people who are suicidal. Suicidal tendencies suffer, can recognize.



[...] Structure in everyday life How do I get more structure in my everyday life and where do I start? Marie-Claire Martens has 6 helpful tips for more structure in everyday life. Suicidal tendencies General information about suicide and specific characteristics for Suicidal tendencies in adolescents and how to support them. Trauma - When the soul reacts Both our body and our [...]